london music share
shared rehearsal space
music room
drum practice space
rehearsal space london

Built And Designed by musicians, our rooms are provided with all the necessary in a cosy and homely vibe.
ROOM 1 £320 PCM
Our band rooms are provided with full backline ( drum kit / PA system / 2x guitar amps / 1x bass amp / cables / mics / etc.)
- 15h to book per week
- Flexible booking system : you book the hours you want weekly online (mix of daytime and evening slots)
- big private storage in the room
natural daylight /wifi /weekly maintenance and cleaning / parking
secured self-access
£320 PCM
Our band rooms are provided with full backline ( drum kit / PA system / 2x guitar amps / 1x bass amp / cables / mics / etc.)
- 15h to book per week
- Flexible booking system : you book the hours you want weekly online (mix of daytime and evening slots)
- big private storage in the room
wifi /weekly maintenance and cleaning / parking
secured self-access
£185 PCM
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd generation
Midi Keys
Ultra-wide Samsung Screen
Presonus 4.5 Studio Monitors
SE Electronics RF-X Microphone with Anti-pop and absorber filter
guitar amp
book up to 15h per week.
Flexible booking system : you book the hours you want weekly online (mix of daytime and evening slots)
wifi /weekly maintenance and cleaning / parking
£180 PCM
- drum kit provided ( spare set of cymbals if needed)
- full shure mic set and channel interface provided
- Shared storage for breakables
- book up to 15h per week.
- Flexible booking system : you book the hours you want weekly online (mix of daytime and evening slots)
wifi /weekly maintenance and cleaning / parking